How To Find The Perfect Provider

I want to provide a simple “How To” post to help minimize any ambiguity anyone may have and help guarantee the best possible chances of finding the provider of your dreams!


Let’s start at the beginning!


Whether you are a first time visitor or a long term enthusiast of the worker community, finding the perfect provider can be daunting for some.

There are many sites for finding a provider, and each one has it’s own pros and cons.

It’s important to know that some sites are more secure than others, but as a general good practice it is always good to follow some basic rules before you start searching:


1)  VPN – Using a VPN service is a great way to help increase your security when browsing online. It acts as a secondary IP address so that you can browse without giving out your direct location to any sites. It also helps protect website trackers from being able to track your location.

Keep in mind that if you do choose to use a VPN, it will direct your IP address to a different location, so if you are looking to do a local search you may have to do an extra step or two to make sure that your searches are made in your area, depending on if the website uses location based advertising or not.

There are many VPN services that are available for cheap, and there is a growing number of security companies that include VPN services with their paid subscription, i.e. Bitdefender.

2)  Incognito Mode – Incognito mode (also called ‘private browsing mode’) is an option available on most browsers that allows users to search and use the internet with the confidence that once your browser tab is closed, your cache will be deleted with it. Many people are mistaken that Incognito is the same as using a VPN but it is not.

Using both of these together though will substantially help increase your security while browsing!

Below is a screenshot of the browser Microsoft Edge in “InPrivate Browsing mode”. Often you will see a screen like this pop up when you open an incognito mode browser that tells you exactly what it does and doesn’t protect you from.

3)  History – If you are using a shared computer or device in a household or office, checking your history prior to browsing is a great way to help maintain that security that you want your household to feel. Many people make the mistake of deleting their entire search history in order to hide the sites they were browsing, but in a shared household that can come back to bite you when a household or team member goes to find a site or article they forget to save and they can’t find it!

Most browsers nowadays have the ability to manually delete your internet history page by page, instead of having to delete the entire previous history. By opening your History and then right-clicking on the page you want to delete, you can delete the page(s) you need to without having to explain why everything went bye-bye!

Below is a screenshot of the browser Mozilla Firefox in the History section. By right-clicking I have opened up the option to delete the one page “About Studies”. You will notice, too, that Mozilla offers a “ Forget About This Site” option as well.

"Forget About This Site" will remove all the current content (e.g. bookmarks, cookies, passwords, cache, history, exceptions) that you have saved from a website.
It doesn't have any lasting effect, so if you revisit such a 'forgotten' website then data from that website will be saved once again. (

4)  Browsing Wisely – The browser you choose to search on makes a difference in your future browsing experiences. Google Chrome, for example, has infinite data, ad, performance, location, and more trackers on it to “enhance your browsing experiences” but what that translates to is they are collecting information on you every second that you use their services, including in their “incognito mode”.

For the highest security, many people use Tor network browsers, but Mozilla Firefox browser is an equally claimed company for their focus on security and their focus on minimizing the amount of tracking and info given between the user and the browser. If you use a personal computer, one of my favorite Firefox settings is that you can personally adjust your browser settings to automatically delete your history and cache every time you exit the browser, so you don’t even have to think twice about it.

As someone who takes privacy very seriously, I love Mozilla and everything they do each year to make their customers more secure. Below are some screenshots of what Mozilla has to offer.

If you’re curious or interested in joining the Mozilla family today, click here.



 So now you’re on a secure browser and you’re ready to start searching…let the fun begin!


After a decade in the industry, I can’t even remember every site I’ve used as a provider. As I am a provider and not a client, I cannot speak much on how one finds the sites they do, as everyone approaches it differently and with the proper security measures in place prior to your searches, I don’t believe there is really a “wrong” way to go about it, as long as you use common sense. What I can talk about though is what to do when you have found the site (or sites) that looks appealing to you.

Tic Tac Toe, Three Beautiful Girls In A Row…

No matter what site you pick, you will arrive to an endless sea of options. It’s important to know that once you have your site in mind, you’ll need to start thinking about the next step: what are you looking for?

If you don’t know what you’re looking for you can get lost for hours scrolling and searching for the “right” provider and still come up empty handed. The following are a list of things to consider when looking for a provider:


–    Height

–    Weight

–    Ethnicity

–    Hair Color

–    Eye Color

–    Tattoos or No Tattoos

–    Piercings or No Piercings

–    Education status

–    Age

–    Massage Wanted

–    Body Hair

–    Distance (from you)

–    In-call or Out-call preferred


Many websites will allow you to narrow down your search through some of these options but some you will have to find out by yourself, either through a providers profile, advertisement, or direct contact with them (if they allow it – not all websites have this feature).


Picking Goldilocks out of the 3 Bears

Now you’re looking at a screen full of girls that may or may not be the “right” one for you. There’s still so many, you say! Don’t fret, because it only gets easier from here.


* This is part where I interject about the nuances of the provider work force. It makes me think of one of my favorite sayings “It’s like putting lipstick on a pig”. There are thousands of accounts online that are either fake, real (but solely there to scam you), and real (but just terrible people and/or just terrible at their job).*

But don’t let that discourage you! There are easy and quick ways to tell a real professional ad from a fake scammer ad.


–    Their profile is short, vague, and/or says nothing about the person in the photo.

–    There only one photo on the ad

–    The ad states their donation rates directly but asks for a deposit “for proof”

–    There is only photos with scratched out or covered content in the ad

–    They don’t have any details in their ad besides their rates

–    Crass or explicit language in their ad


These are just a few of many things that can be red flags when combing through ads, but next you’ll learn about what a professional ad looks like.


Finding Goldilocks 

A Professional worker should have most (if not all) of the following things:


–    Their stage name is the same across all platforms

–    A welcome message

–    A link or information to their social media

–    A link or information to their website

–    An active social media account within 60 days

–    An active social media account that was not just created (I personally suggest a year or more as a golden rule for gauging accounts)

–    An introduction about themselves

–    An introduction about the services they provide in a vague and professional manner

–    Five or more photos that are obviously taken in different places and different times (seeing a slight change in a providers weight in their photos isn’t a bad thing, it’s an indication that they are a real person!)

–    Their photos match between their ad and social media and website

–    Their website goes into more description about who they are and what they offer

–    They have a direct form of contact (i.e. email through website, phone number, texting app, etc.)

–    A range of photos between all ads, social media, and website (not just the same 6 photos on each platform).

Direct directions on how to meet them or talk to them when ready to schedule with them