To schedule an appointment just fill out the form below and I will get back you shortly to confirm.

I do not accept applications through text or personalized email.

Please note that I require photo identification as well prior to meeting. For information on the requirements of the picture, please visit the Etiquette page.

Any appointments must be made with a minimum of 24 hr advance scheduling. For more more information, visit the FAQ page.

All fields with * are mandatory.

Submitted a form but haven’t heard back? Make sure to check my (public) social media accounts for real-time updates on my availability and events hosted!

PLEASE NOTE: Upon returning, all regular guests get priority scheduling. This means there will be a waiting period for any new guests, but I will get back to everyone as fast as I can. I had to take a lot of time off so I have a lot of people to get back to. You are all important to me and I am so grateful for your patience.