Due to the increase in platforms, I will be requiring all screening to happen ONLY through my website’s Book Me page application to increase efficiently and save time. Please note that if you do try to send me your screening application through text only, you will still be redirected to my Book Me page and required to fill it out to see me.
Screening photos
Due to the amount of time off and the replacement of my phone, you may be required to send a new screening application photo. It will be necessary for any new guests as always, but may be asked of returning guests as well. If you had emailed me your screening application photo, feel free to remind me and exceptions will be made. My email can only be opened with a physical key and no other way so I can 100% ensure it safe.
It is in my policy that I update my prices yearly. Due to my inability to work for the majority of last year I will not be changing my in-call prices but I do have new requirements for other services I am opening. As always, I offer a birthday promotion of any guests I have seen over 6 months.
I will be returning to live streaming on Chaturbate again soon. A direct link will be posted on my home page for easy access. For more information on how to join my channel and enjoy a full show, click the link below.
I will be returning to OnlyFans again as well. A direct link will be posted on my Home page and Book Me page for easy access. For more information on how you can join my page and enjoy my content, click the link below.
LL Changes
An update will be posted soon on my About Me and Menu pages about any changes.